15 Signs You Are Hopelessly Single

By Kamala Kirk Jan 28, 2015 8:28 PMTags

On Total Divas, most of the ladies are happily coupled up, although there are a few Divas who just don't seem to have any luck when it comes to men. Especially Rosa Mendes!

She's a total knockout and a very determined woman, but even she admits that she's been single for a long time now, which has proved to be challenging when it comes to playing the dating game. Love ain't easy, and it sure can be a challenge when you try to get back into the world of romance and don't know what to do or to expect!


Baby steps...

Here are 15 signs you're hopelessly single:

15. You're too eager.

You're five minutes into the first date and you're already thinking that he's The One, which gets you talking about marriage and kids right away.

Slow down! You don't want to scare the guy away! Oops, you already did...

14. You've discovered new interests.

Who needs a man when you've got pizza and donuts? They never talk back to you either. Amen, Sister!


13. You have unrealistic expectations of love.

You know the perfect man is out there somewhere, just waiting to find you. It's only been 29 years and you haven't found him yet, but there's still hope left!


12. You've put together a personal playlist that you listen to daily.

You spent hours putting together a list of songs that are geared towards the independent, single woman and you listen to it all day, erryday! At the gym, in your car...


11. You occasionally try to get back with that one ex.

Hey, every girl gets a little lonely on occasion! Besides, the second you meet up with him, you instantly realize it was all a big mistake.

Except that you do this on a regular basis. Someday you'll learn...


10. Couples annoy you.

You can't stand it when others engage in PDA around you and you make sure to let them know it!


9. You take ladies' night very seriously.

It's hard to get all the girls together, especially the ones that are in relationships, so it's a very big deal when ladies' night actually happens.

You're the primary organizer and you give anyone hell who tries to flake out at the last minute. And no one wants to endure the wrath of a chick who's been single for a long time...


8. Your friends constantly try to set you up on blind dates.

They think they're doing you a favor by setting you up with that one guy from their office/their neighbor's brother/their friend's cousin, and you constantly get suckered into going, thinking that the next date will be different!

But they always end in disappointment...


7. You constantly justify being single.

Honestly, who has time for a boyfriend? With all your time spent listening to T. Swift and rearranging your closet so that it's color-coordinated, there just isn't time for love!

Sorry, boys...


6. Wine is your new best friend.

Since becoming single, you've discovered the art of fine wine! You know your Merlots from your Cabernets, not to mention that they're great company on a Friday night when everyone else is out...


5. TV is your new best friend.

Wow, since becoming single, you've discovered so many incredible shows on Hulu and Netflix! At the rate you're watching, you won't need a boyfriend 'till 2020!


4. You're delusional when it comes to love.

So what if Ryan Gosling has a baby with Eva Mendes? Knowing how relationships in Hollywood work, he could totally become single tomorrow, accidentally run into you at Whole Foods, sweep you off your feet, and build you a house!

Stranger things have happened...


3. You don't know how to act on dates anymore.

Because you've been out of the game for so long, you easily mistake friendliness for flirting and vice versa!

Sometimes you're too forward, which ends up scaring guys off. So licking someone's neck within five minutes of meeting them isn't appropriate? Guess you'll have to borrow that copy of The Rules from your BFF once more...


2. Staying in has become the new "going out."

 You've come up with a dozen reasons as to why staying in on a Friday night is sooo much better than going out.

For one, it's so much more cost-effective. Two, who wants to stand in line at a club for hours waiting to get in? And three, while your friend is out with her man on a date, you're snuggled up in bed with Ben and Jerry...


1. You're obsessed with dating shows.

Your new life goal is to become a contestant on either The Bachelor or Millionaire Matchmaker. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?


Tune-in to an all-new episode of Total Divas on Sunday, February 8th at 10/9c on E!

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