Prompterless Palin Pontificates Profusely

When Sarah Palin loses her prompter she loses her train of thought. Consequestly that train of thought then plows into a politispeak word pile.

By Soup Staff Jan 26, 2015 10:13 PMTags

Sarah Palin is still out doing stuff, you guys. I don't mean she's out buying groceries or looking for a deal on a smartphone. You know, the way regular people who don't hold any elected office do. I mean she's actually still doing political things. Crazy, right?

This weekend she was at the Iowa Freedom Summit which was basically a chance for anyone who wants to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2016 to show up and yammer about...stuff. Rick Perry was there. Donald Trump was there. So you know old P to the A to the L-I-N had to be there, baby.

Unfortunately, Sarah fell victim to something that could be potentially devastating to anyone trying to whip a crowd into a frothy, angry, terrified, political frenzy. She lost her teleprompter. Not to worry. Sarah is a professional. And what does a professional do in this situation? Start stringing together politispeak until it kind of sounds like a speech.

Sarah, next time this happens please take a breath and throw in an occasional period while speaking. You're making it really hard to meme you.



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