Naya Rivera’s Guide To Various Ethnicities’ Silly Quirks

Naya Rivera knows things about various ethnicities and races that we don't.

By Soup Staff Jan 13, 2015 11:52 PMTags

Um, yeah. Naya Rivera WENT there.

Naya is NOT afraid to talk about who showers too much or too little, no matter WHAT race or ethnicity they are. Rumor has it she once told Barack Obama that he showers just the right amount.

But saying white people shower too much is just one of the many controversial opinions she has. Here is Naya Rivera's guide to the little quirks of various ethnicities.

White People shower too much.
Latinos love cherries. If you put a bowl of cherries in front of someone of Latino descent, they will eat the entire bowl.
The Vietnamese always ring the doorbell seven times, and very rapidly.
People from India hold their toothbrush with their feet. It takes years of practice to master.
Black People steep their tea for too long. Sometimes as long as twelve, thirteen minutes.
People who live in Japan have never played hopscotch.
South Africans refuse to restart their computers whenever they download new software.
Gingers pet dogs with their thumbs, and with extreme intensity.

We can't wait for Naya Rivera's upcoming book: "White People Be Like This, Other People Be Like That, I Be Like Naya Rivera."

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