J.K. Rowling's Response to a Question About LGBT Students at Hogwarts Is Absolute Perfection

"Of course," the author answers when a fan asks if there were gay and transgender students along side Harry Potter

By Jenna Mullins Dec 18, 2014 9:37 PMTags
J.K. RowlingCARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images

J.K. Rowling is an angel, a queen and a hero just because she brought Harry Potter into this world. So after she finished writing about Hogwarts, we all just accepted her as a perfect human being. No doubt about that.

But then she does something like this and proves to us that she can actually get better and better. And she'll probably never stop becoming more awesome and more perfect. Maybe she's a wizard...

Along with releasing new stories about the Harry Potter world on Pottermore every day for the 12 days of Christmas, Rowling has been answering fan questions on Twitter for the past week. That's how we came to find out that Harry definitely had a Jewish classmate, Anthony Goldstein. In fact, the only "religion/belief/non-belief system" she believed to not attend Hogwarts? Wiccans.

Anyway, a fan recently asked Rowling on Twitter if there are LGBT students attending modern day Hogwarts, adding that she imagined that they probably would form LGBT clubs.

"It's safe to assume that Hogwarts had a variety of people and I like to think it's a safe place for LGBT students," the fan reasoned.

Rowling whole-heartedly agreed:

"Of course," the writer tweeted along with a photo of Harry's glasses and a rainbow with this message: "If Harry Potter taught us anything, it's that no one should live in the closet."

Amen, J.K. 

Not that we are surprised by this response. After all, it was only a couple months ago that a fan had complained about Dumbledore being gay, claiming he wasn't a fan anymore, which is just ridiculous. But Rowling's response was fantastic:

"I advise you to start following Brian Souter at once. He's much more your kind of person."

In case you all weren't aware, Brian Souter is a man who reportedly financed a campaign to ban schools from teaching acceptance of homosexuality.

We like to think that Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, one of Hogwart's greatest headmasters, probably started a LGBT club while he was in school back in the 1890s, if there wasn't one already. What do you guys think?

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