
DVF Brand Ambassador Candidates Trash-Talk Brittany Behind Her Back—See the House of DVF Deleted Scene!

DVF girls celebrate Brittany's major face-palm

By Kevin McCarthy Dec 08, 2014 7:14 PMTags

On last night's episode of House of DVF, Brittany Hampton gave serious sass to DVF Style Editor Jessica Joffe and ended up in the doghouse. While the rest of the ladies remained professional during the meeting, there was plenty of time for gloating later that evening.

"Brittany finally being Brittany and scoffing at Jessica Joffe is literally the best thing that could ever happen to me," beams Amanda Schauer. "I'm having like a secret, like, party inside my mind."

Lenore Genovese actually squeals with excitement! Then, Kier Mellour takes a break from cleaning and it's officially a party.

E! Entertainment

Brittany, on the other hand, takes her dressing down in stride. "I mean, get over it. We all have something to learn—and y'all aren't perfect!" Sounds like she and Jessica are singing the same tune...

So whose side are you on? Did Brittany need to get checked finally, or are the other girls just salty?

Tune-in for an all-new episode of House of DVF next Sunday at 10/9c on E!

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