Miley's Got Milk

Cyrus featured in latest Body by Milk ad campaign

By Gina Serpe May 14, 2008 5:48 PMTags

Miley Cyrus is back in front of the camera, only this time for a much more wholesome cause. And not, it seems, a moment too soon.

Disney's tween queen is the latest celeb to don a dairy 'stache for the ubiquitous Got Milk? campaign.

Titled "Girl Power," the ad, a necessary and well-timed departure from her Vanity Fair photo session, reads: "Actress by day. Rocker by night. I've got to keep fit to keep up. So I drink milk. Some studies suggest that teens who choose milk over sugary drinks tend to be leaner and the protein helps build muscle. It's the best of both worlds."

With any luck, Cyrus' milk campaign won't just build bones—it'll also assuage some achy-breaky parent hearts.

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