Why We’re Giving Tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy a Lot of Side Eye: Our Rants and Raves

Find out what we hate (and love) about Thursday TV

By Lauren Piester, Sydney Bucksbaum Oct 17, 2014 2:58 AMTags
Grey's Anatomy, Sara Rowe, Ellen PompeoABC/Richard Cartwright

RANT: Grey's Anatomy, we've got a bone to pick with you. We've been wondering how on earth it was possible for Meredith to not know her mom was pregnant, gave birth and gave up a kid when Mere was five years old at the time. Wouldn't she have noticed her mom getting big and then all of sudden getting skinny again after nine months? You finally gave us an answer tonight—and it just absolutely enraged us.

Turns out Meredith actually did remember her mom getting pregnant?! But just repressed the entire nine months of memories until now?! She literally outlined to Derek the nine month period of time when she was five, watching her mom's stomach getting bigger as she hid in an apartment, the night her mom's water broke and when she gave birth in the hospital…as if she just remembered it now like an epiphany?!?

Uh uh. Nope. Sorry, Grey's, but we just don't buy this whole storyline. It's a little too ridiculous for us to stomach. Repressed memories – at least to that extent – are not a real thing!

RAVE: Grey's Anatomy: Other than that bit of total nonsense, that was a wonderful episode that finally tied a lot of loose ends together, however unrealistically they did it. 

ABC/Adam Taylor

RAVE: Scandal: "A sex tape? She takes after her daddy then doesn't she?" Mellie's back, and so is this show. It was never even gone, but tonight's episode felt so very Scandal  and was so very, very excellent that we feel like it was.

RANT: Scandal: You guys know what big Jake fans we are, so you must also know that we are NOT happy that Tom and Rowan now have Fitz convinced that it was Jake who gave the order to kill Jerry. Not. Happy. At. All.

RAVE: How to Get Away with Murder: Tonight's final scene, in which Annalise carefully took off her wig, eyelashes, and make-up and then asked her husband why his penis was on a dead girl's phone, was positively striking. 

Bob Mahoney/The CW

RANT/RAVE: The Vampire Diaries: So there's some random guy named Kai hanging out in hell/1994 with Bonnie and Damon, who got Bonnie's magic to come back by threatening Damon? Huh? Makes about as much sense as anything on this show ever has, we guess.

RAVE: The Vampire Diaries: More of Jeremy at a watering hole, please. More watering holes in general, actually.

RANT: Parenthood: Joel and Julia can't be over. We refuse. The fact that she didn't want to tell Sydney the truth means it might not be the truth right? Right?!

RAVE: Bones: Since Raising Hope is no longer on the air, we'd like to nominate Christine Booth for the title of Best Small Child on TV. She's adorable, but how on earth is it already time to think about school for her? Isn't it still like 2011? Time moves too fast! 

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