This Little Boy Performing the Iconic Dirty Dancing Routine Is the Only Thing You Need to Watch Today

Charlie is only eight years old but he can already mimic Patrick Swayze's iconic dance moves

By Jenna Mullins Oct 13, 2014 4:50 PMTags

Hey, it's Monday and that sucks. But we have a video that twill take your mind off the fact that we all have a full week of, ugh, work ahead of us.

It's a video of an eight-year-old boy named Charlie, who will soon become the dancing icon of your dreams. And he's eight.

Charlie loves himself some Dirty Dancing because he's a normal human, and when the big finale routine comes on, he likes to mimic Patrick Swayze's moves, from the "c'mere" gesture allllll the way to group dance that Johnny leads back toward Baby on the stage. 

"He has probably watched it only 10-12 times," Charlie's mom tells Buzzfeed. "He loves to dance and cannot sit when he is watching a music video or anything with dancing in it. He immediately gets up and starts copying all of the moves."

So watch Charlie get his Swayze on because the video will make you happy for the few minutes before your boss comes to your cube/office and says something that drains the life from your soul. 

This is also a gentle reminder that if you are recording your child/pet/anything, please hold the phone HORIZONTALLY. Just watch the PSA below, OK?

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