Nashville, SVU, Modern Family and the Return of Two TV Faves! Our Rants and Raves

Happy Wednesday, TV fans! Two of our favorite shows are back, and we are freaking out about it!

By Lauren Piester Oct 09, 2014 3:30 AMTags
American Horror Story, Freak ShowFX

Last week, we lamented that Wednesday nights are very scary. This week, they've only gotten scarier, but they've also gotten better. Arrow and American Horror Story are back to kill off favorite side characters, mercilessly taunt our little shipper hearts and invent new nightmares that will haunt us for the rest of our lives – and that's just the way we like it. With no further ado, we present today's TV Rants and Raves.

RAVE: AHS: Freak Show: To be honest, circus themes freak us out, so we were a little worried about liking this season. The first few minutes don't seem too bad though, so maybe we can do this!  

RANT: AHS: Freak Show: OH JUST KIDDING THERE'S A HORRIFYING CLOWN NEVER MIND. Guess we'll be spending each Wednesday night at 10 cowering under all the blankets we've ever owned.(Uncover your eyes and click here for all the Freak Show scoop you'll ever need!) 

RANT: Arrow: We just feel like Oliver and Felicity's date (!!!) might have gone better if he hadn't immediately started whining about that whole island thing again. And also if somebody hadn't tried to kill them with a large missile.

RAVE/RANT/??: Arrow: I'm sorry, did you just have Oliver kiss Felicity, then have Felicity walk away, then have Barry Allen call Oliver for advice, then have Laurel and Sara reunite, and then promptly kill Sara off?! This is an emotional roller coaster we would (not) like to get off of!  

ABC/Mark Levine

RAVE: Nashville: Oh how we love the evolution of Rayna and Juliette's relationship! Hopefully Rayna can work some magic on Juliette's complete mess of a life. Another rave goes out to that musical, magical "Deacon and Avery are sad" montage. (Also – Welcome Derek Hough!)

RAVE: Modern Family: Would anyone else also absolutely watch a superhero spin-off starring Phil and Luke? Any time they team up, it's gold.

RAVE: Law & Order: SVU: What happens when SVU has a story inspired by Hollywood starlets like Lindsay Lohan and predatory producers? You get a thoroughly entertaining hour. Top it off with a guest appearance by Josh Saviano of The Wonder Years fame--his first TV gig since that hit show--and leave us with that Noah're too good to us, SVU.

Carin Baer/FOX

RANT: Red Band Society: Don't get us wrong, we love this show, but we're supremely afraid of the current high school generation if that homecoming dance was any indication of how they actually interact with each other. Yikes!

RAVE: Red Band Society: We are not happy with Jordi's mom leaving her son again, but how good were some of those final scenes, with Jordi watching Dr. McHotPants try to keep Eva from leaving? Is it ever going to be possible to keep a dry eye during this show?   

RAVE: The Goldbergs: That whole Royal Wedding-inspired episode was gorgeous and hilarious from start to finish. You can be our princess anytime, Barry.

RANT: Stalker: Studies have shown that if you flip back and forth between CBS and FX during the 10 p.m. hour on Wednesday nights, you will not only know what true fear is, but you are going to be spending a lot of money on therapy in your future. (Are we complaining? We are not sure.)

So what did you watch tonight? Feel free to rant and rave with us in the comments, especially about scary clowns. 

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