Snooki Complains About Breastfeeding Baby Giovanna: "I Feel Like My Nipples Are Going to Fall Off"

Regarding childbirth, the Jersey Shore star says, "It just feels like there's a million knives stabbing you in the uterus"

By Zach Johnson Oct 01, 2014 12:45 PMTags
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Snooki always tells like it is—even when it's TMI!

The 26-year-old star of MTV's Jersey Shore and Snooki & JWoww opened up about life at home with her newborn daughter, Giovanna Marie Lavalle, while speaking to her Podcast One listeners Tuesday. "I just want to talk about what the hell happened to me this weekend with having the baby," Snooki explained.

The mom of two said she was "literally miserable" during her final trimester. "I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. I was just in pain. I couldn't sleep, couldn't walk—it was just bad," she confessed. Snooki went to the doctor on Thursday, and after she returned home, she suddenly felt "really crampy." The next day, she felt pains "every 10 to 12 minutes." She thought they might be contractions, but decided to wait until they were five to six minutes apart before going to the hospital. "I literally laid on the couch all day because I couldn't move," she said. "I don't know how people give birth without getting...drugs."

Because she "was in so much pain," she had to get "on all fours." In fact, while she was watching Derek Jeter's final home game with the New York Yankees on TV, Snooki said she felt like she might be "dying."

Snooki's fiancé drove her to hospital, where she learned she was in "freakin' labor—duh!"

NEWS: Snooki returns home after giving birth—see the first pic!

"Thank God I got to the doctors at that time because it was the perfect time for me to get the epidural so I won't feel her come out. Everything worked out, but the fact that I felt the contractions up to almost seven centimeters—holy crap!" she exclaimed before giving a shout-out to moms who deliver drug-free. "You are my heroes. You are amazing. You are freakin' awesome. I don't know how you do it, but you do and you survive and you're stronger because of it. Dude, I give you all the props in the world, because me, I cannot take that pain. I was literally dying. I was trying to breathe and be calm, but it just feels like there's a million knives stabbing you in the uterus and you can't do it," the New Jersey-based star said.

Between having a baby and filming Snooki & JWoww, the new mom said it's been "crazy" at home. "I am literally a walking zombie," Snooki said. "Thank God I have these permanent fake eyelashes on, because if I didn't, I would look like hell. So, thank God that I have these babies on!" Snooki also revealed that she's breastfeeding, telling listeners, "My boobs are killing me. I feel like my nipples are going to fall off."

"With Lorenzo, I didn't actually latch on. I just did the pump, so it didn't hurt that bad. But with Giovanna, I tired to latch on at the hospital and she latched on right away. So I said, 'You know what? Let me just do this until I get my milk in and then I'll just go straight to pumping, but Giovanna has been on my boob every single hour for the past four days, and my nipple is going to fall off. I can't feel it! It's so painful, but I gotta do what I gotta do because I feel like my breast milk is the best milk for my baby."

Snooki added, "No matter how much pain I'm in, I've just gotta bite my tongue and give her my milk."

The redhead also said she's "trying to recover from pushing a baby out of my vag." Snooki added, "I'm still in pain—not as much as I was—but all the moms out there, you know, like right after you give birth, you're so scared to pee after, and you're scared to do your first poops, but then when you do, it's like, 'All right. I'm good. I feel better now.' It's always the anticipation of, 'Oh, my God, it's going to hurt. It's just so sore down there. And my boobies are going to fall off," Snooki admitted. "But it's all worth it."

The reality star also gave a shout-out to Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J., where she gave birth to her two kids. "I'll probably be there in a few years to deliver my third baby," Snooki said.

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