Mila Kunis' Alien Royalty Back Story Explained in New Jupiter Ascending Trailer: Watch Now!

And a super-evil-looking Eddie Redmayne is out to get her in the film by sci-fi masters Andy and Lana Wachowski

By Natalie Finn Sep 26, 2014 8:21 PMTags

Mila Kunis may insist to Channing Tatum that she's "nobody," but he knows better.

In the sci-fi action thriller Jupiter Ascending, which was supposed to have been in theaters this past July but is instead coming out in February, Mila plays Jupiter Jones, alien royalty left working as a maid on Earth and none the wiser—until Sean Bean's Stinger fills her in and secures Channing's intergalactic warrior Caine as her protector.

Though more than human herself, Mila needs that protection because one of the other heirs to the world-domination throne, Eddie Redmayne's super-mean-looking Balem, wants her dead. And he has that British accent, so you know he's ruthless.


This is the third official trailer to hail from Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow, but the first to go into more detail as to who the heck Mila's gorgeous janitor/alien queen-to-be really is, and the narrative unfolds in a more linear fashion than in the past two trailers.

The 2 minutes and 50 seconds are worth it alone for Jupiter telling Caine she's "always loved dogs" after he claims to have more in common with a dog than with royalty such as herself.

Meanwhile, there's Balem, vowing to "harvest" the planet before he'll see Jupiter in charge—and even a woman's response to the question of whether she's ever seen a Harvest ("Never, but I hear they feel no pain") is chilling.

The special effects are top notch—the film is the latest from Matrix visionairies Andy and Lana Wachowski, so of course they are—and even though the movie was bumped, it still looks pretty badass!

Jupiter Ascending finally hits theaters Feb. 6.

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