Star Wars Reveals the First Look at the Millennium Falcon, With a Batman-Themed Surprise!

Two directors took to Twitter to get into the spirit

By Lily Harrison Sep 18, 2014 4:57 PMTags
JJ Abrams, Starwars, Batman Wireimage/YouTube

There's a what?! Hidden in the where?!

Just days after we got our first pics of Star Wars: Episode VII's Millennium Falcon, J.J. Abrams is giving us an even closer—like, really, really close—look.

His production company, Bad Robot, posted a 30-second clip on YouTube earlier today, titled, "Hunka Junk," featuring the spacecraft. He called out Zack Snyder in a tweet containing the video and wrote, " #STARWARSvBATMANvSUPERMAN."

The film takes us on a tour of underneath the Falcon and stops at one seemingly unsuspecting spot—when all of a sudden, upon further glance, it looks to be the Batman tumbler!


So, basically, if you ever wondered what would happen if the world of Batman mashed up with Star Wars universe, this is what it looks like. Sorta.

Snyder seemed to have his own response to the clip with a little help from Gotham City's finest.

He tweeted at Bad Robot's shout out "case closed" along with a photo of two Gotham cops arrested a Stormtrooper.

Just last week, aerial shots of Han Solo's aircraft as well as the X-wing Starfighter were seen when Matthew Myatt was flying over a former air force base in England.

He told BBC News he "was in complete shock" to discover later what he had captured on camera. Myatt, a longtime Star Wars fan, said he "started jumping around."

Star Wars: Episode VII features returning stars Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill as well as a few newbies on the scene like Adam Driver and Lupita Nyong'o. A tentative release date is scheduled for Dec. 18, 2015.

Meanwhile, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill is slated to hit theaters on March 25, 2016.

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