Watch This Adorable Girl Totally Freak Out When Her Dad Shaves His Beard in the Middle of Peekaboo

His daughter doesn't recognize him without his bushy beard and she immediately bursts into tears

By Jenna Mullins Sep 15, 2014 7:01 PMTags

We can't decide if we should be tsk-tsking in horror at these parents for tricking their daughter or laughing because her reaction is so priceless. Can you guys just watch and decide for us? Because never has a game of peekaboo gone from heartwarming to terrible in such a short time frame.

This daddy, who has a magnificent beard, is playing a sweet game with his adorable daughter when he decides to throw a wrench in the system by shaving off his beard. And this guy is definitely one of those dudes who look completely different without his beard; so different that his own daughter doesn't recognize him. 

Poor girl never saw it coming.

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