Are You Ready to Hate a TV Character More Than You've Ever Hated Anyone? Great. Watch This Outlander Sneak Peek

Things get tense on the Starz hit and we've got the clip to prove it

By Kristin Dos Santos, Lauren Piester Sep 11, 2014 2:00 PMTags
Outlander, Tobias MenziesSTARZ

So, Outlander fans, do you hate Black Jack Randall yet?

If you don't, you certainly will start to after this week's episode, which finds Claire hanging out with some Englishmen, including one particularly sour one who looks way too much like her long lost and not-yet-born husband, Frank.

We've got an exclusive sneak peek that gives you just a little bit of a taste of what Captain Jack is capable of, and even though it's only thirty seconds long, it's just enough jumpstart the uncomfortable goosebumps. Watch below!

Creepy, right? 

Jack is quickly becoming one of those characters who only has to say a word before we're cringing our faces off, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. He certainly has the makings to become one of this TV season's most hated villains.

As we discussed in this week's spoiler chat, Jack is really, truly horrible. However, there's a sort of method to his madness, according to his portrayer, Tobias Menzies, who also plays Claire's 1945 husband, Frank. 

"In the portrayal of Jack, I had to understand the context out of which his behavior comes. It's absolutely having to do with what his men have suffered, what he has suffered and what he's seen. He's seen too much. Frank and Jack are both men formed by war but one has arguably the love of a good woman and he's salvaged from it or survives it and arguably, Jack doesn't."

To understand what we're talking about, tune into Outlander on Saturday at 9 p.m. on Starz. 

Then join us in our "Black Jack Is the Worst" hate club, coming soon.

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