Best Eats During New York Fashion Week: Michael Kors' Fave Pizza Joint, Victoria Beckham's Post-Show Party Place and More!

Check out the cuisine scene

By Brad Virata Sep 08, 2014 12:00 PMTags
Morgenstern's, Best Eats in NYC During Fashion WeekCourtesy of Morgenstern's

Twice a year, fashion's most coveted designers and their followers from around the world flock to the Big Apple for some serious couture and their culinary equivalents. New York Fashion Week isn't just about high-fashion drama inside of the tents, it's also about the latest venues to see and be seen.

Where does Marc Jacobs sip his post-show bubbly, and whose pizza does Michael Kors crave? Curious about where Victoria Beckham and Zac Posen typically throw their after-party? From supermodel hangouts, not-so-basic brunch spots, to the best bar to hobnob with designers, we've got you covered. 

To see all of the best spots to eat, drink and pose in your Manolos, check out the gallery below! 

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