
Burning Q's: Vanishing Tats & MILF-y Hotness

Burning Q's: Vanishing Tats & Thirtysomething Hotness

By Leslie Gornstein May 07, 2008 6:11 PMTags
Cameron Diaz, What Happens in Vegas20th Century Fox
What's up with MILF-qualified Cameron Diaz being cast in What Happens in Vegas? Since she's closer to 40 than she is to 30, the movie looks creepy/ridiculous.

Funny, I just assumed Ashton Kutcher was a method actor. His real-life wife, Demi Moore, is 45, you know. Let's answer more, more, more of your burning Q's!

Is Hannah Montana being replaced because of Miley's Vanity Fair picture?
—Kayla, Redmond, Wash.

Of course not. Much ballyhoo has been made about that new moppet waiting in the wings. But Disney also insists that Miley isn't going anywhere. Which should surprise exactly no one. Disney may stand for wholesome entertainment, but it's also a publicly held company with throat-chewing stockholders demanding profits every quarter. Cyrus may have made a stupid mistake, posing in a fake bed sheet and draping herself across her dad like an underage sing-song girl at an opium den, but she also heads a franchise worth—and this is not a typo—$1 billion.

How do they make a celebrity's tattoos disappear in movies?

Sometimes they don't. Seen the teaser posters for Jolie's upcoming assassin flick Wanted? Those tats are their own separate, precision hit squad, woman! But to answer your question, makeup artists use industry-grade paint made by companies such as Dermablend or Kryolan.

I've heard Lindsay Lohan is gonna guest star in Ugly Betty, and Britney is back on How I Met Your Mother. Do they want to win an Emmy or what?
—Manuel, Venezuela

No, just the relief that comes with knowing they didn't accidentally leave their talent back in rehab.

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