You Need to See This Mom's Reaction When Her Son Surprises Her With Her Dream Car

Corey Wadden saved up for a year to gift his mother a 1973 Saab 99 EMS

By John Boone Aug 13, 2014 7:02 PMTags

If this doesn't make you want to give your mom a giant hug, nothing will: A son, named Corey Wadden, bought his mom her dream car and surprised her with it. And his mom returned the favor by giving him the most priceless, joyous reaction ever.

"Since I was a kid, my mom's been raving about this car, that she's always wanted: an old Saab," Corey says.

Specifically: A copper-colored 1973 Saab 99 EMS. ("My mom used to clean houses for a living, and one of the houses she would clean for a few years was a guy who owned a 70's Saab 99. He would throw her the keys and let her move the car all the time and she fell in love with it.")

Corey spent six months looking for the car and then another six months saving up to buy it. He says her reaction made it all worthwhile. As with all of our favorite reactions, it starts with some swearing...

Which turns into falling...

Circles around to smiles...

And ends with a big hug.

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