Adorable Little Boy Has Never Been on Live TV Before But Is "Apparently" the Best News Anchor Ever

5-year-old Noah Ritter may have a future in the biz after he hilariously steals the show during an interview

By Elizabeth Freda Aug 05, 2014 5:44 PMTags

"Apparently," this kid was born to be a star. 

Local news is occasionally forced to cover less-than-thrilling pieces about the resident community. Reporter Sofia Ojeda of WNEP-TV was assigned to cover Pennsylvania's Wayne County Fair, and things were probably pretty slow. That is, until Noah Ritter showed up.

Noah, a 5-year-old redhead ballin' out in a neon green polo and matching kicks, takes the mic and turns the interview into The Noah Ritter Show. Despite Noah stating "I've never been on live television before," the boy is a natural and, as one Jezebel commenter pointed out, sounds like a bona fide correspondent reporting from the middle of a hurricane.

YouTube / WNEP-TV

Despite setting himself up for imminent stardom, Noah wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. Which is depressing because we really feel like he's got a great on-screen presence (despite his excessive use of the world "apparently").

We mean, just look at him spit game:

YouTube / WNEP-TV

Listen, Noah. If paleontology doesn't work out, you "apparently" would make a pretty great reporter. We'd love to see you on as many news segments as possible (because then we would maybe watch them).

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