Big Brother Recap: Which Houseguest Got Voted Out in the First Live Eviction of the Season?

The CBS reality hit sent home its first houseguest of the season in a live vote tonight, and crowned two new Heads of Household

By Lauren Piester Jul 04, 2014 2:59 AMTags
Big Brother, Joey Van PeltCliff Lipson/CBS

It was time for Joey to face the music after her disastrous attempts last night to form an all-girl alliance, while we're still trying to figure out what on earth is so bad about an all-girl alliance. Is "all-girl alliance" even made of real words anymore, after how many times the houseguests have said it with a tone of disgust? We're pretty sure it isn't.

"Being a feminist," Joey felt she needed to do something big and crazy to keep from being evicted, so obviously, she dressed up like a guy, called herself Alex, and went on a rampage through the house. Paola was relieved that Joey was revealing her insanity, while some of the other girls kind of saw Joey's point: The guys are running this show, and it kind of sucks that the very idea of an all-girl alliance was so very abhorrent to them.  

At the vote, Joey tried to use her skill at competitions as defense, Paola just said she loved everybody and has a positive attitude. Despite Paola's lack of skills other than DJing and being positive, people couldn't see past Joey's "huge misstep." Literally everyone voted to evict Joey, giving Devin (whose arms, by the way, are out of this world) his wish for a unanimous vote.

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