J.Lo Out of the South Beach Heat

Citing lack of evidence, judge tosses suit against Lopez, CBS Television brought by writer who says they pilfered his idea

By Natalie Finn Apr 30, 2008 11:30 PMTags
Jennifer LopezINFPhoto.com

Jennifer Lopez is no longer on the hook for a show that no longer exists that briefly aired on a network that no longer exists. A show, her lawyer says, she actually had barely anything to do with.

Citing a lack of evidence to bring the case to trial, a federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought against the actress and CBS Television by a writer who claimed J.Lo and her fellow producers stole his idea for a show that eventually became the UPN series South Beach.

U.S. District Judge Richard Berman said there was "in fact...powerful evidence" that the defendants created the fish-out-of-water show about two Brooklyn buddies who move to the Miami Beach hotspot.

Lopez's attorney had argued in a response to the suit that his client really had very little to do with the creation and development of the series and was only brought onboard at a later date to add star power to the project.

Who knew that sort of thing went on in Hollywood?!



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