This Is What Morgan Freeman's Voice Sounds Like on Helium

Actor with the iconic voice sucked on a balloon for Science Channel's Through the Wormhole

By Jenna Mullins May 23, 2014 5:31 PMTags

There are just certain questions of the Universe that we've been so desperate to answer, it actually keeps us awake at night. For example: Why is Jason Biggs still a thing? Does anyone know? We don't really need him on Orange Is the New Black, right?

But anyway. Today, we can finally give you guys the answer to one of life's greatest mysteries: What does Morgan Freeman's voice sound like when he sucks on a helium balloon?

Thankfully, the man with the iconic voice did just that for Science Channel's Through the Wormhole (returning June 4) and it's everything we wanted and more.

You guys, Morgan Freeman inhaled helium for scientific purposes.

Life is amazing.

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