Christina Hendricks' Hot Body Once Caused a Bike Accident

Conan O'Brien asks Mad Men star if men get "silly and dopey" around her

By Zach Johnson Apr 08, 2014 2:48 PMTags

Dangerous curves ahead!

Christina Hendricks appeared on Conan Monday, and host Conan O'Brien was taken by her beauty. "Men act kind of kooky around you. I completely understand it. You're a very mesmerizing presence, and I'm betting that your experience is that men act kind of silly and dopey around you. Is that true?"

"I don't think so," the buxom actress replied. "I don't know."

While Hendricks' modesty was appreciated, O'Brien didn't let her off the hook. "You seem like someone if you were just walking down the street that guys would just not be paying attention to what they were doing. Do you know what I mean? That's the sense that I get," he said. "That's what I would be doing if I saw you walking down the street and I didn't know you. I would lose my mind a little bit."

Hendricks giggled and admitted, "I had one incident, but this was years ago. It was summer and I'd just gone out and bought this little wispy, white summer dress, and I was going out to meet my friends at a British pub, and my friend Louis was waiting for me outside. This guy was riding a bike by and he starts staring at me. Louis is watching it from a distance and he said the whole thing went in slow-mo. The guy just hit the curb and flew off his bike into the street. But this was one incident!"

"I think that was the one you saw," O'Brien told his guest. "I think you're not paying attention!"

"You're being very nice," the TV star said.

The famous redhead could stop more traffic if she goes through with a proposed makeover. "I have been this color now probably 20 years and I was actually thinking at the end of Mad Men, maybe going a little bit blonder. Maybe sort of like you are now—still red!" Hendricks told the comic. "I'm not leaving! I promise you. I would never."

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