Arrow Reveals Oliver's Secret (Again!), Survivor's Craziest Tribal Council Ever and More OMG TV Moments

Find out the small screen's biggest moments on Wednesday, April 2

By Tierney Bricker Apr 03, 2014 3:31 AMTags
Arrow, Stephen Amell, Summer GlauDiyah Pera/The CW

So much happened on Arrow that you would think it was the season finale on Wednesday, April 2, while Survivor's craziest tribal council in recent history went down. Plus, a Nashville fan favorite is spiraling out of control and a clear frontrunner as emerged on American Idol. Warning, spoilers ahead for Wednesday night's TV.

Survivor: Cagayan: Anyone else's head hurt after that insane-in-the-membrane tribal council? "They got me," the eliminated castaway Sarah said after having her torch snuffed out in one of the most surprising moments in the reality hit's recent history.

How did they get her? Fearing he was going to be voted out (and he was right), Tony delivered to play his community idol, giving it to LJ. But twist! LJ then played his idol...right back over to Tony! Caught in the crossfire, of course, was Sarah, who unsuccessfully tried to play both alliances, earning an enemy in Kass, who went against her own tribe to vote her out. This season is, to quote the great philosopher Gwen Stefani, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. And we love it.

Arrow: Um, are we sure that wasn't a season finale?! The shocking reveals did not stop coming during Arrow's intense hour, but here's a quick rundown of the many OMG moments:

1. Slade, hellbent on revenge against Oliver, revealed to the kidnapped Thea that Malcolm Merlyn (aka the Dark Archer) is her real father! 2. Roy quit Team Arrow and left Starling City! 3. Detective Lance was arrested!

4. Isobel Rochev finally returned after a pretty hefty hiatus (Missed you, Summer Glau!) and guess what? Not only did she manage to steal the CEO position of Queen Consolidated right out from under Oliver's nose, but she's also working with Slade as she has a huge vendetta against Oliver's father. Yikes. 5. Finally (yes, there's more), the episode ended with a major gamechanger: Slade told Laurel that "Oliver Queen is the Arrow." Boom. And we still have five episodes left this season, so buckle up, kids.

Michael Becker/FOX.

American Idol: Can anyone beat Caleb Johnson at this point? It's the rocker's competition to lose as he once again completely dominated another week, coming out of the Top 8 performance show with the best vocal of the night. The contestants were tasked with performing their original audition song, and Caleb totally nailed Aretha Franklin's "Chain of Fools," giving the song his own rock spin. He also delivered in the duet department, thanks to his gorgeous rendition of "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" with Jessica Meuse. But the best duet of the night had to go to Alex Preston and Jena Irene, for their take on "Just Give Me a Reason." (iTunes, can we please give you a reason to make this one available for download?)

The 100: Well, that got super-dark super-fast. Charlotte. Killed. Wells. Yes, three episodes in and the CW 's new breakout hit already has its first major death, with the seemingly sweet and innocent Charlotte offing the president's son (brutally stabbing him in the neck) as revenge for her parents' deaths.

Nashville: If there's one thing Nashville will never run out of its awful parents. No exception to this rule? Scarlett's mother, who is now in the running for Worst TV Mom after her devious debut. We learned that she abuses Scarlett, locking her in a closet when she was younger and choking her in present-day. In order to cope with her mommy issues and perform, Scarlett turned to booze and pills, leading to a public meltdown on stage. It was pretty darn heartbreaking to watch, no?

What did you watch on Wednesday night? Sound off in the comments!

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