Watch This Guy Sing Frozen's "Let It Go" in 21 Different Disney and Pixar Voices

Have you ever wanted to hear Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow sing the Frozen song?

By Jenna Mullins Mar 17, 2014 9:50 PMTags
Disney and Pixar Let It GoYoutube

"Let It Go," the Academy Award-winning song from the Academy Award-winning animated film Frozen has seen its fair share of covers. From little children singing it to a heavy metal version to the wickedly talented Adele Dazeem giving it a go at the Oscars, we've heard this song done to death. Not that we mind, because c'mon now. It's a damn catchy song.

But we bet you've never heard "Let It Go" like this. YouTube talent Brian Hull has posted a video of himself singing the hit song using 21 different voices from Disney and Pixar movies. Yes, you read that right, 21 different voices.

Everyone from Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow character to Lumière from Beauty and the Beast are in on the karaoke party, and it's amazing. We can't decide if our favorite part is when Scuttle from The Little Mermaid jumps in or Roz from Monsters, Inc. puts her own spin on the tune.

Watch it below for yourself to see Brian in action:

And speaking of Disney, living Disney prince and E! Online's 2013 Celeb of the Year winner Tom Hiddleston is voicing a young Captain Hook in Disneytoon Studios' The Pirate Fairy (out on April 1). So if you want to hear him sing and talk about the role in that sexy voice of his, your wish is but a scroll away:

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