Keri Russell's Brothel Chic: Gotta Have It or Make It Stop?

What's your take on The Americans star's lady-of-the-night look?

By JJ Moore Feb 04, 2014 1:00 AMTags
Keri RussellNeilson Barnard/Getty Images

It's like Keri Russell is giving us a preview of what might have happened if Felicity took a dark turn during her college days.

Something about the peeping black bra and boring white undershirt feels like the uniform of a girl who works among other a house run by a madame...circa 1920? We know it's blasphemy to talk about our favorite former co-ed like that, but let's remember that she's now TV's most famous Russian spy, so the innocent whispering 20-something jig is up.

The thing is, we're totally in love with this side slit skirt. The thick, black skirt is as classy is it comes, the high cut flatters her tiny waist and that ruffle is just enough flair to make it a real statement piece. 

So does it matter if it's ruined by a trashy combo on top? The more we look at that gorgeous lace underthing, the more we feel like it's more a bold fashion move and less burlesque-dancer-on-the-side. And yes, Keri's perfect hair, make-up and accessories have something to do with our cave. What's your say?


AA Fashion Police Feb 3 Poll

What's your take on Keri's sexy style?
Gotta Have It!
Make It Stop!

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