
Sleepy Hollow Star Orlando Jones' Guide on How to Be Your Best Fangirl

Exclusive! The social media-saavy actor teaches TV fans how to be their best fandom member prior to the Fox hit's season finale, tonight at 8 p.m.

By Orlando Jones Jan 20, 2014 3:00 PMTags
Cptn. Frank Irving, Orlando Jones, Sleepy HollowBrownie Harris/FOX

Confession: We're kind of obsessed with Orlando Jones.

Seriously, the Sleepy Hollow star is putting all other TV actors to shame when it comes to his social media presence. Not only is he constantly engaging with the Fox hit's fans (aka Sleepyheads) on Twitter, he runs his own Tumblr dedicated to the show. (Oh, he also takes to live-tweeting other cult shows, such as Supernatural.)

In anticipation of Sleepy Hollow's season one finale, airing tonight at 8 p.m. on Fox, we asked Jones to pen a guide on fangirling. Consider this Fangirl 101, with Dr. Jones schooling you in all things shipping and feeling.

1. Pick a fandom (or many) and get to know the other people who are involved (and who will either end up being your close friends or mortal enemies depending on who you ship).

2. Learn how to speak Fandomese. (Can I Ship It, Yes You Can.)

3. Show us the flair: Write fan fiction, make fan art, create any transformative works inspired by your passion/obsession.

4. Troll It Likes It's Hot: Be critical, discuss the things that are wrong with the program you love to the point of getting on everyone's nerves.

5. Be Respectful/Don't Tag Your Hate: You can have opinions just don't be a dick to others when sharing them.

6. So. Much. Feels: Get overly emotional about your ships, how to make them canon and why the creators are problematic and generally get swept up in the majesty of the story world you've embraced.

Brownie Harris/FOX

7. Protect the celebs and OTPs you love from any outside intrusion by "people who don't understand what the show is really about."

8. Always have snacks (especially popcorn) at the ready.

9. Attend any conventions where your fandom is representing and commence maximum squees.

10. Don't take anything personally in fandom because it's NOT. THAT. SERIOUS. (But it is A LOT of fun.)

And a bonus tip (because...these go to 11): If you want to master post-graduate level fangirling read the works of: 

1. Dr. Henry Jenkins (Provost's Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts and Education - USC Annenberg)

2. Professor Anne Jamison (Author of Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World)

3. Flourish Klink - (Chief Participation Officer at The Alchemists Transmedia Storytelling Company and co-founder of FictionAlley.org)

Make sure to get your fangirl on when you watch Sleepy Hollow's season one finale tonight at 8 p.m. on Fox.

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