Carrie Underwood's Favorite Diet Trick: I Keep a Food Journal Because "I Don't Get Full"

Singer has spoken openly about losing weight in the past

By Lily Harrison Nov 06, 2013 5:19 PMTags
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Carrie Underwood has always been open about the steps she takes to stay in such great shape.

In her latest interview with Redbook magazine, the former American Idol star revealed one of her favorite diet tricks over the years—keeping a journal!

When asked why she's so keen on jotting her daily meals down she explained, "You know how you feel when you get full? Well, I don't get full."

The blond beauty added, "I can eat a lot. Mike and I were in Italy for 10 days and I put on eight pounds. So in real life, I have to make sure I'm not eating just to eat."

The country star also shared what prompted her to drop a few pounds years ago.

"It was on the Idol tour [after I won]. I put on a lot of weight [during the show] because I was locked in a room all day with a craft service table. I was bored, so I was just eating. I was never overweight, but I feel better with myself now."

And while she rarely speaks about her marriage to pro hockey player Mike Fisher, the 30-year-old did discuss one key element to making their relationship as strong as it is.

"Either you trust someone or you don't," she told the magazine. "And I've never trusted anyone more than I trust Mike."

Underwood went on to say, "If he goes to a bar with his friends, a tabloid is going to report about it. Same goes for me. It is what it is."

It's no wonder Underwood is so successful—she's got beauty and brains!

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