
Once Upon a Time: Colin O’Donoghue Teases Sunday's Steamy "Hook" Up, the Future of CaptainSwan and More!

Exclusive! Colin O’Donoghue spills sexy details from this Sunday's Once Upon a Time!

By Leanne Aguilera, Lauren Piester Oct 25, 2013 9:00 PMTags
Once Upon a TimeABC/Jack Rowand

Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's kiss we see!

Prepare yourselves, Once Upon a Time fans. After a season and a half of electric scenes, coy flirtations, and sexually-charged chemistry, two of our favorite fairytale-centric characters are finally going to share an oh-so steamy kiss.

We just got off the phone with everyone's favorite guyliner enthusiast, Colin O'Donoghue, to get all the racy and sexy details surrounding this Sunday's highly anticipated Hook and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) smooch. Warning: CaptainSwan fans might pass out from sheer excitement! Plus, we've got all the scoop on how our favorite pirate transformed from lieutenant Killian Jones to one of the most feared men on the seven seas.

Now, we're going to try to ease you into it, so you don't completely lose consciousness on us— O'Donoghue exclusively teases that the kiss is "a good scene." Not enough information for you? Fine.

"I guess [the kiss] is part of the circumstances, and it's sort of out of the blue, but it definitely reflects what they see in each other and how they feel about each other," the actor says, "But at the end of the day, everyone is so focused on trying to save Henry that who's to know what would happen past that?" 

What happens just after the kiss, of course, is that Emma claims it was a "one-time thing," and rattles off some instructions, to which Hook responds, adorably, "As you wish." Movie fans will remember that in the classic movie The Princess Bride, those three words actually mean "I love you." Now that had to be intentional, right? "Remember I've said that part of my inspiration for Captain Hook was the Dread Pirate Roberts, so it's a nice little tie-in to that," says O'Donoghue. "People can read into it whatever they want to read into it, if you know what I mean."

Oh, we definitely know what you mean. But does O'Donoghue think Hook really loves Emma?

"You'll have to wait and see if he loves her or not," he coyly says. "He definitely likes her. He likes her enough to kiss her back."

And O'Donoghue says CaptainSwan fans should definitely tune into Sunday night's episode because "they get to see everything they hope to see." We're thinking it's not quite everything, but it's certainly close enough for now!

ABC/Jack Rowand

In addition to seeing a heart-stopping lip-lock, Once Upon a Time fans can also expect to see a deeper peek into Hook's past. Back when he still had two hands and wasn't a ruthless, revenge-lusting pirate, Killian Jones was a hard-worker officer and loyal brother.

O'Donoghue reveals, "Killian and his brother Liam, were very close and they both were naval officers. Liam's captain and Killian is his lieutenant, and they get tasked with going to find this plant that can help save lives in a faraway land." The actor tells us that he is excited for fans to get to know a different side of Hook, and explore his relationship with his brother.

"You get to see a completely different Killian Jones than you've ever seen before. He's different then who we met in the crocodile episodes. Before he got his hand cut off he was a completely different character." O'Donoghue continues, "He's very much a naval officer. He lives very much by that code of ethics and he bleeds right and wrong. He's a lot younger, so he has an idealism about him that probably Hook doesn't have anymore."

Don't miss the  blast through Hook's past in an all new episode of Once Upon a Time, this Sunday at 8 p.m. on ABC!

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