Justin Theroux Talks Life With Jennifer Aniston: "Like Going to a Slightly Different Altitude"

Actor-writer also reveals that he had to give up his "syphilis throats" when he and his fiancée moved in together—please, let him explain

By Natalie Finn Sep 17, 2013 11:00 AMTags
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Justin Theroux admits that meeting Jennifer Aniston took him to new heights—for better or for worse.

"It's a bit like going to a slightly different altitude, you know?" he describes being with the actress in the October 2013 issue of GQ, the cover boy referring to the relentless amount of attention she (and now he) gets from the paparazzi.

"I call them photojournalists, actually," Theroux quipped when asked about the shutterbugs. "When I get complimented on the street about having twins—that's weird, too."

So it seems as if the actor, who also cowrote Tropic Thunder and Iron Man 2 and is working on the planned Zoolander sequel, has been able to keep his sense of humor about one of the less glamorous aspects of finding success, fame and love in Hollywood.

He could even laugh about having to relocate some of his prized bachelor-pad possessions when he and Aniston moved in together, à la Bruno Kirby having to dump his beloved wagon-wheel coffee table in When Harry Met Sally when his character, Jess, moved in with Carrie Fisher's Marie.

Though, really, we can't blame Jen here, considering his "syphilis throats" were his wagon wheel.

"I have these beautiful wax-museum pieces—handmade, from the 1800s—from a museum of curiosities," Theroux explained. "They're just these open mouths, with tongues, and in the throats are different stages, labeled, of syphilis and gonorrhea and whatever. Those definitely found a great place in my office in L.A. They weren't going to be above the fireplace anytime soon."

As beautiful as those sound...relationships are all about compromise, right? No wonder he and Aniston spent so much time shopping for other antiques!

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