Prince Harry and Prince William Broker 25 Billion Euro Deal During 9/11 Fundraiser!

Harry jokes about new dad's "flirting" and "baby talk" with callers during BGC Parnters Charity Day

By Rebecca Macatee Sep 11, 2013 1:43 PMTags
Prince Harry, Prince WilliamChris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images

If the whole royal thing ever gets boring, Prince Harry and Prince William would make pretty good stockbrokers!

On Wednesday, Sept. 11, the brothers helped raise funds in honor of the 658 BGC Partners employees who died in the tragic 9/11 attacks in New York City 12 years ago. Together, the princes brokered a 25 billion (!) Euro trade (that's $33.1 billion)—a  world record for a foreign exchange! Per the Telegraph, it's unknown what percentage of this will be given to charity, but even a tiny portion of 25 billion is a pretty substantial amount!

William couldn't believe the number on the gigantic trade, reportedly exclaiming, "Bloody hell, was that a billion?!" It was several, actually!

Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images

But it was Harry who really hustled to bring in the big bucks. "Are you feeling like making some money for charity today?" he asked one caller. "Good. Whatever you're thinking, you can double it."

During one joint phone call, Harry jokingly chided the new dad for gushing about Prince George too much, saying, "He's on the phone, it's all baby chat." He also ribbed his big brother during a phone conversation with a female caller, saying, "Stop flirting, get on with it."

And the real stockbrokers were all quite impressed with their royal helpers. "William was very efficient. He was making enough efforts to concentrate on the transaction with all the noise around him," said Xavier Alcan, executive managing director at BGC.

Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images

As for Harry? "He was great," said broker Nick Thompson. "He's very laid back about it. He did very well."

The brothers also took the time to greet with some well-wishers who were also participating in 2013 BGC Partners Charity Day.

Good work, boys, and for a great cause, too! A portion of all trades brokered by the princes will be distributed in honor of those lost in 9/11 to Skillforce, a charity that works with schools and veterans, and WellChild, a nonprofit providing aid to sick children and their families.

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