Suri Cruise Called a "Little Brat" (and Worse) After 7-Year-Old Tells Paparazzi to "Stop It"

Child was with a friend and mom Katie Holmes as they waded through a pack of shutterbugs on the way to their waiting SUV

By Natalie Finn Jul 12, 2013 2:21 AMTags
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OK, who's the real child here?

Apparently annoyed that Suri Cruise didn't flash paparazzi a big smile as mom Katie Holmes escorted her and a little pal toward their waiting SUV in New York, a professional autograph hunter can be heard on video calling the 7-year-old a "little brat" and a "bitch" as they climbed into their car.

And this was after Holmes was actually pretty nice to the photographers that were amassed outside!

In the video obtained by Fishwrapper, Tom Cruise's ex-wife smiles and gives a little wave to the paparazzi as she heads down the steps with Suri and another girl.

"Hold on, she's with a kid," a man's voice can be heard, warding off pen-wielding autograph-seekers.

"Please Katie, don't ignore your fans," a different man says, right after which Suri yells, "Stop it!" Then, as she reaches for the rear door of the SUV, she says, "Get out of the way."

"Bye, Suri, you little brat," yet another male voice is heard saying as the trio climb into the car.

Then, the first man's voice that was heard, goes, "Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa what, man?" the offender retorts.

"When you're a father bro, it's a whole different thing," says gentleman No. 1. "That's a whole different thing."

"She's a bitch...a little brat kid," says the other guy. "A little brat."

Suri and her mom were in the car and seemingly out of earshot, but the rear door was still open.

Dare we advise this guy to get a grip next time?

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