Bethenny Frankel Tells Twitter Hater to "Go F Yourself"

After a follower responded with a rude remark, the talk-show host decided to fire back

By Bruna Nessif May 07, 2013 9:42 PMTags
Bethenny FrankelJackson Lee / Splash News

Bethenny Frankel has had it up to here with the negativity.

The former Real Housewives of New York star is no stranger to drama, but after experiencing some haterade on Twitter earlier today, Frankel decided to fire back, telling one of her critics to "go F yourself." 

Oh yeah, she took it there.

It all began when Frankel posted, "cupcake decorating w bryn at dc cupcakes & now girls' lunch. It's crazy to be able to spend a real girls' day w the peanut. #fliesby"

A follower then decided to respond by blasting the celeb, telling Bethenny, "who gives a flying f--k! How soon after eating the cupcake do you purge? U look like an emaciated HIV patient."

And that's when the reality-TV star and businesswoman wrote exactly what was on her mind, "The producers of my talk show will not like this but 'go F yourself' with your rude comments.hatersnotwelcome @peacewithmeself."


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