Michelle Obama Accidentally Calls Herself a "Busy Single Mother"

Obama offers up a funny faux pas when talking about juggling her duties with her home life

By Josh Grossberg Apr 05, 2013 3:02 PMTags

Living in the White House means life can get a little lonely at times. Just ask Michelle Obama.

When asked in an interview about how she and President Barack Obama get daughters Malia and Sasha to eat healthy, the first lady made an embarrassing flub when she mistakenly referred to herself as a "busy single mother."

"Believe me, as a busy single mother," Obama told Vermont CBS affiliate WCAX, before quickly correcting herself. "Or, I shouldn't say single, as a busy mother."

Oops! We wonder what POTUS has to say about that?!

Michelle clarified some more: "Sometimes, you know, when you've got a husband who is president, it can feel a little single. But he's there."

FLOTUS went on to note the struggles she's had balancing motherhood and her career as a lawyer when the kids were younger—a task made even more challenging now in her demanding role as first lady.

"But as a busy working mom, and before coming to the White House, I was in that position, you know, as well," she said. "Working, driving kids to practice, you know not having enough time to shop or cook, not having the energy…resources weren't the issue but time and energy is key."

Obama has been spending much of her time this week plugging her "Let's Move" initiative, a campaign fighting childhood obesity by giving children in underserved communities access to healthier, more affordable foods and helping kids become more physically active. To that end, Michelle invited students from around the country to join her on Thursday for her annual tradition planting fruits and vegetables in the White House Kitchen Garden.

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