Best TV Moments of the Week: Pretty Little Liars Death, Law & Order: SVU's Chris Brown-Rihanna Controversy and More

Relive the small screen's biggest moments of the week

By Tierney Bricker Mar 01, 2013 8:00 PMTags
Pretty Little Liars, Lucy Hale, Ashley BensonABC FAMILY/ERIC MCCANDLESS

Happy Friday/March 1, y'all! Let's celebrate by looking back at the best TV moments of the week, shall we?

Tuesday night brought two big deaths, one that's definitely permanent on Justified and one that's less than certain on Pretty Little Liars. Law & Order: SVU courted some major controversy when their episode appeared to take inspiration from Chris Brown's 2009 Grammys eve assault on girlfriend Rihanna, but they rewrote the ending, while Arrow dropped two huge reveals on its audience, including someone else being let in on Oliver's (Stephen Amell) secret. (Maybe he should just take out a billboard at this point?)

Elsewhere, a fan-favorite pairing shared a less than memorable first kiss on Smash, and a tragedy brought about a highly anticipated hookup on Nashville.

Heading into the weekend, be safe and don't end up in jail, mmmkay?


For more detailed play-by-plays of the big TV events that happened over the week, check out our Watercooler recap posts.

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