DVR DOA: Glee, Smash, Revenge, Nashville, 90210—Which TV Shows Will You Be Deleting?

Vent to us about series that are no longer worthy of your time!

By Jenna Mullins Feb 27, 2013 11:20 PMTags

Television giveth and television taketh away. It gives us so many gifts in the form of couples we can champion and one-liners we can quote until we overuse them to death. That's what she said! But she probably didn't.

But television can also take away our will to live. When we have to deal with uneven storytelling or plot devices that have long overstayed its welcome, TV becomes an awful place to visit. Thankfully, we have a delete button on our remotes that can banish that show from our DVRs forever. The question is: Which shows have you given up on enough to wipe them from your TiVo?

Since we've had more than enough time to sample what freshman series have to offer and how well our returning shows have been faring, we thought we'd once again ask you guys if there is anything you can officially call DOA when it comes to your DVR. Are you so over Glee? Is Smash's second season not living up to season one? Did Nashville fail to entice you the way you thought it would?

Head on down to the comments and tell us which shows you're going to delete off your DVR forever, and then tell us why it's being booted off your viewing schedule. We will pick the most-complained about series and the best reasons why they need to be cut from the DVR team and feature them next week. Just make sure you're reasons are valid and not: "oh em gee because it sux."

You have until Friday, March 1 at 12 p.m. PT. Happy venting! 

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