Downton Abbey Season Finale Spoiler Bomb: A Time Jump, Shocking Exits and More Scoop

Scoop from the Christmas special episode of the PBS hit

By Christina Dowling Feb 15, 2013 7:10 PMTags
Dan Stevens, Downton AbbeyPBS

Congratulations! You've almost survived Downton Abbey's harrowing season three. Just one more episode to get through, but with this season's crazy ups and downs—a birth, a shocking death, a prison release, losing a fortune—the finale will not disappoint in the drama department.

So grab your kilt and tissues, because Sunday's finale brings Scottish Highlands fun and more shocking tragedy to Downton. Here's what you can look forward to:

In Limbo: In the season finale we've jumped ahead in time by approximately a year. Little baby Sybil is adorable, but Tom Branson (Allen Leech) is still struggling living and working at Downton while still desperately missing his wife. He catches the eye of a very forward housemaid (Boo! Hiss!), but luckily Mrs. Hughes (Phyllis Logan) has Tom's back.

Thomas the Hero: All those months have definitely not alleviated the tension between Thomas (Rob James-Collier) and Jimmy (Ed Speelers), but Thomas does something that goes a long way to mending fences between the coworkers. Dare we hope a friendship can come from this wreckage?

Welcome Home: Turns out Mary's (Michelle Dockery) doctor was correct when he told her she'd be knocked up imminently. We quickly find out just how far along she is in her pregnancy, but after Lady Sybil's dreadful childbirth experience everyone is understandably on edge. Most adorably: Carson (Jim Carter).

Bonus Scoop: By the end of the finale there will be two new residents of Downton Abbey. And one of those is someone we've already met in season three. There will also be two less residents. Dun. Dun. Dun. If you haven't been spoiled for one shocking exit, bravo. But be very afraid.

Are you mostly nervous or very excited? Come back for all the fun our tear-stained recap on Sunday night after the Downton Abbey season finale airs!

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