15 Pop Culture Things We Love This Valentine's Day! Britney's Pony, Shamrock Shakes, Adorable Adele

Beyoncé, Adele, Britney Spears and Ryan Gosling all land spots on our list

By John Boone Feb 14, 2013 9:05 PMTags

Happy Singles Awareness Day Cut that out, sad people. It's Happy Valentine's Day only, because even if you're single you can buy your own damn chocolate, can't you?! And it's a day of love so even if you don't have a man (or woman, or whatever), there are other things to love.

Us? We love these 15 things (for now, at least):

AP Photo/Mark Humphrey

1. Beyoncé: Uh, it's Beyoncé. She can do no wrong.

2. Shamrock Shakes: It's the most magical time of the year (for a limited time only)! McDonald's has officially put their mint-flavored, like-taking-a-sip-of-heaven, bright green shakes back on their menu. Hit a drive through ASAP before they disappear and you're left to sob into a sad, old McFlurry.


3. Scandal: First of all, it stars the flawlessly stunning Kerry Washington, who, seriously, how is she so pretty?! Secondly, Olivia Pope (her character) is ususally either yelling at someone in a powersuit (werk!) or crying that full-face-Kerry-Washington cry (you know that cry). Either way, awesome. AND FITZ!


4. Jennifer Lawrence: What other starlet can make every Best Dressed list around while simultaneously discussing farting, orgies and Honey Boo Boo? No one. No other starlet can, that's who.


5. RuPaul's Drag Race: Ru and his ladyboys are back for another season of the Logo competition, which is like a mixture of America's Next Top Model (on crack) and Project Runway (except not boring). And this season's eleganza extravaganza has provided our new favorite catchphrase: "You betta sissy that walk!"

6. Adele-orableness: She's officially invited to every award show ever, right? Right, guys?

7. Hunter Hayes, "Wanted": Before we begin, yes, gals and gays, he's legal. So now that we've got that out of the way: Squee! Especially if you're single this V-day season, put this jam on, close your eyes and imagine the country breakout is singing it to you. If the song ends and you're extra sad that you're alone now, just put it on repeat. Forever.

8. Billy on the Street: It's a Fuse! game show that features games like "Julia Roberts Obstacle Course" "Lesbian Lightning Round!", "It's Spock, Do You Care?", "List Sex Moves in Front of Mr. Rogers" and "Whistle-Blow That Jew!" (with Rashida Jones). And lots of yelling in random peoples faces. Yep, we're on board with all of that.

9. John the Sprinkles Kid: We have enough room in our hearts for every adorable child on YouTube, but our favorite of the moment is this little 3-year-old who ate a bunch of sprinkles then lied about it. And if that's not cute enough, he appeared on Ellen recently where he lied some more and, as a reward for it, ate as many sprinkles as he wanted.

10. Ryan Gosling: Forever and always, he will be our Valentine. He just doesn't know it yet.


11. Girls: Can't we just watch Lena Dunham's HBO hit without having to analyze every second of it? We love Lena, we love her show and we love her boobs, too. As long as she wants to keep showing them, we'll keep watching. She can do no wrong in our eyes. Four for you, Lena Dunham. You go, Lena Dunham.

12. "The Harlem Shake": Consider it the new "Gangnam Style," except we like it better. It's basically people just going insane to a song called "Harlem Shake" by a DJ named Baauer but there are a million different ways to go insane and you can watch every Harlem Shake video for hours and hours on Harlem Shake Roulette! Sounds like a good use of time to us! Plus, one of our favorite rappers, Azealia Banks, released a remix to the song that's pretty dope, too.


13. The Following: Or more specifically, we love murder clubs. Wait, what? No, that wasn't right. We love Nico Tortorella and Adan Canto (AKA Jacob and Paul), the [SPOILER ALERT!] faux-gay-turned-real-gay-(maybe?) sociopaths on the series. We're so into them we were even down for a threesome featuring stupid Emma, but then it turned out it wasn't a threesome it was just a shower hug. Sooooo.


14. Britney Spears' Regal Pony: There's nothing we love more in life than a high-set, long, elegant ponytail. Well there is one thing: When that regal pony is on the head of our favorite pop princess. Brit rocks one in the "Scream & Shout" remix video and we know she's going to whip it like her life depends on it (which it might, regal ponies are no joke).

15. Solange, "Some Things Never Seem to F--king Work": We started the list with a Knowles sister and we're ending it with one too. Bey's younger sister has broken into the Indie music scene with a different sound and this track (performed live at the House of Blues in the above video) is a standout form her EP, True.

Oh yeah, and 16. We love you.

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