Get Smashed With Us! The Drinking Game for All You Smash Hate-Watchers

How do you watch a show you love to hate? With drinks!

By Team WWK Feb 05, 2013 10:11 PMTags

Smash is back, people! We repeat, Smash is back!

On a more professional note: season two of the NBC musical hit premieres tonight with a two-hour event, and we are celebrating the only way we know how. We love this show, we love to drink while watching TV shows, so do we have any other choice then to combine those two things?

Below you will find some rules for the Smash drinking game, or Getting Smashed, as we shall henceforth refer to it as. It's simple: open your beverage of choice and take a sip whenever any of these things happen. We recommend not taking straight shots of liquor, as you will definitely vomit and/or die.

Take a drink every time:

  1. Julia (Debra Messing) cries/complains
  2. Ellis the terrible is mentioned
  3. Derek (Jack Davenport) has a Marilyn Monroe fantasy
  4. Someone talks about the Bombshell reviews
  5. Karen's (Katharine McPhee) earnest attitude wins over somebody
  6. Ivy (Megan Hilty) pouts by puffing out her lips
  7. Derek says something intense, but the intensity is lessened due to the accent
  8. You breathe a sigh of relief after a certain plot point or character gets the ax
  9. Karen's new roommate pops up to remind us she still exists, and yet you can't remember her name for the life of you
  10. Derek and Ivy share a sweet moment
  11. Derek and Karen share a sweet moment
  12. You get a musical-boner for Jimmy (Jeremy Jordan)
  13. The tension between Karen and Ivy is so palpable, you make an awkward joke out loud in hopes of dispersing it
  14. Eileen (Anjelica Huston) says something nasty to or about her ex-husband Jerry
  15. There's a meta moment referring to season one
  16. Smash starts to feel a touch like Gossip Girl
  17. Jimmy is sensitive about his work
  18. Eileen's angry face genuinely terrifies you
  19. Jennifer Hudson hits a note that doesn't seem humanly possible
  20. Someone's dreams are crushed

Feel free to add your own rules to the game, as long as you share them with us in the comments below. Drink responsibly, and come back tonight to read our Smash drinking game recap!

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