Pink: "I Was Always Considered Butch"

Singer and mom tells Redbook she "doesn't rest on her looks"

By Rebecca Macatee Feb 05, 2013 8:44 PMTags
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Pretty, pretty please, Pink! You've always been perfect to us.

But the 33-year-old singer doesn't consider herself to be a beautiful woman. In a candid interview with Redbook's March issue, Pink says she felt she "was always considered butch."

"'A girl like me is someone who doesn't rest on her looks, who has had people tell me from day one, 'You're never going to get magazine covers because you're not pretty enough,'" she says. "I'm totally comfortable with that. I know my strong points: I work hard, I have talent, I'm funny, and I'm a good person."

"Feeling beautiful to me is when I feel good in my leather pants and my husband grabs my ass. Or when I'm sitting on a mat and my daughter runs to me with complete joy," she says. "Beautiful has never been my goal. Joy is my goal—to feel healthy and strong and powerful and useful and engaged and intelligent and in love. It's about joy. And there's such joy now."

We agree with her on all those points, but the CoverGirl spokeswoman is also pretty inside and out.

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