Super Bowl Commercial Wars: Taco Bell Geezers Win With the Most Game-Night Interest

Also on the list: Bar Rafaeli making out with a nerd. Of course.

By Leslie Gornstein Feb 04, 2013 10:23 PMTags

Is it too soon to know which commercial did the best during the Super Bowl? I'm rooting for the nerd who got to kiss Bar Refaeli.
—V. Chester, Memphis, via Twitter

Why are you rooting for Jesse Heiman? He got to kiss Bar Refaeli. He's already won the Super Bowl. Besides, his GoDaddy commercial, while grossly charming, did not win the ring when it came to last night's ads.

But I know who did.

First of all, know this: That GoDaddy commercial did do extremely well. Over at Hulu, fans ranked it No. 9, behind such other big hits as that controversial Volkswagen spot and the tear-jerking Budweiser ad (right, the one with the horse).

Using more objective measurements, the dweeb-on-hottie makeout spot also did well.

According to TiVo, which used anonymous data from about 30,000 set top boxes last night, your favorite commercial ranked No. 5 among the most engaging of the night.

TiVo determined the ranking by looking at the 15 minutes before and after the commercials aired, zeroing in on the spots with the biggest bump in viewership relative to the programming surrounding it.

The data took into account views, pauses, rewinds—anything that might determine not only eyeballs but the degree of viewer interest.

But the No. 1 most beloved spot last night, according to TiVo, came courtesy of Taco Bell.

You know, the ad about the olds sneaking out of their retirement home to spend a rebellious night staring down cops and getting their names inked on their backs.

Nos. 2 and 3, respectively: The Doritos goat commercial and the Hyundai ad featuring a kid recruiting his own football team.

In case you're wondering what the most engaging moment of Beyoncé's halftime show was--and, really, who doesn't want to know?—TiVo tells me there was a particular set of seconds that got more eyeballs than most: when Bey joined her Destiny's Child bandmates onstage.

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