Lady Gaga's Latest Transformation: Sexy Annie Hall!

The pop queen continues her quest to literally become Diane Keaton's iconic character

By Jessie Rosen Jan 15, 2013 11:46 PMTags
Lady GagaKevin Casey/WireImage; AKM-GSI

Somewhere Woody Allen is rambling incoherently to his analyst about this.

Lady Gaga has attempted to channel Diane Keaton's classic character from his late '70s film not once, but twice now. And Mother Monster is certainly having her way with Annie Hall's attire (we don't remember Annie forgoing pants for sheer leggings).

Hasn't anyone told her that some styles are too sacred to be touched?

We've heard Gaga is entering the acting world, so we can only assume this is part of a bigger campaign for a role in Woody's next ensemble comedy: Vicky Christina Gaga-lona.

Take a peek at even more bizarre looks from Lady Gaga!

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