Les Misérables Is Really, Really Sad. Sadder Than a Family Funeral Even—Just Ask This Guy's Parents!

Anne Hathaway's musical inspired this very emotional and viral YouTube video

By John Boone Jan 03, 2013 10:59 PMTags

Is Les Misérables still a favorite for Oscar glory? If these Long Island parents have anything to say about it, Yes. Or maybe no. We're not actually sure and they're probably still too emotional to weigh in.

"We've been to funerals that have been less upsetting," Papa George sobbed after a family outing to the flick, while mom cries in the backseat (all filmed by their son, Ryan). "We've been to funerals of family members that I've cried less."

So what was the saddest part? George seems to be a regular old sap, saying, "I hear the first note, I start to cry" and "I look at Anne Hathaway, I started to cry." While mom dropped the spoiler bomb: "At the end, his eyes. He was old!"

Consider it the adult counterpoint to that video of those kids absolutely losing their s--t after watching The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Heartbreak at the cinema spares no one, be they young or old. Les Mis star Russell Crowe chimed in, tweeting "Classic...", while we suspect director Tom Hooper is off somewhere laughing maniacally.

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