Lady Gaga Offers Free Mental Health Counseling to Fans Before Concerts

Pop star wants to "break the stigmas" surrounding therapy and provide support

By Rebecca Macatee Dec 31, 2012 2:50 PMTags
Lady GagaSanti/Splash News

Lady Gaga sure loves her Little Monsters.

The pop star announced Friday that she would offer free counseling to fans before her Born This Way Ball shows.

In a Facebook post, Gaga, 26, described the concert's BornBrave pre-show as "a fun tailgating experience for monsters to unite," but it will also be a place where they can seek help.

"At the BornBrave Bus you have access to professional private or group chats about mental health, depression, bullying, school & friends," she wrote. "There will also be food and games, DJ White Shadow and Lady Starlight will DJ with host BREEDLOVE to keep the experience fun."

She clarified that the BornBrave Bus will be "a place where mental health + depression are taken seriously w/ no judgement, FREE real help available to all.:

"I feel like most kids don't look for help because they feel embarrassed so mom + I wanted to break the stigmas around 'help' and make it fun," she wrote.

Good for you, Gaga!

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