Peplums, Jumpsuits and Tangerine: 10 Trends That Need to Die in 2013

What 2012 trends have worn out their welcome? We have the list

By Leslie Gornstein Dec 18, 2012 6:15 PMTags
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With Christmas just around the corner, we wish for only one present under our tree. Well, OK, 10.

Ten new trends, please: One to replace each of the overplayed, tired fads we're about to list from 2012. Spirit hoods, color blocking, neon—yeah, those were all beaten to death this year. But some trends wore on us even more. Ready to help us usher them out to leave room for a few fresh looks in 2013? Let's go!

Peplums. You know, those little shelves that somehow make your hips look massive...unless you're Jessica Alba.


Jumpsuits. Eva Longoria, we love you, but do you really need an outfit that doubles as a flight suit? Why wear that: Just in case somebody suddenly invents jet packs?

Josephine Santos,

Cat stuff. Hello, kitty. Goodbye, kitty.


Going pantless. Yes, Rihanna, we get it: You're hot. But we bet you're also freezing.

Tony DiMaio/

Dip-dyed ends. From Christina Aguilera to Lauren Conrad, tons and tons of stars tried on the trend this year. The result: Tons and tons of stars got mistaken for Ke$ha.

Chris Watts/

Tangerine. It's a lovely color. But like our mom says, eating too much of anything will make you sick.

And lo, there's even more tangerine on Blake Lively


Low-crotch pants. Hey, maybe Justin Bieber really needs all that room in the crotch area. Or maybe it's time to stop with the wishful thinking.

Over-the-top manis. Seeing a star sporting a super-long or diamond-encrusted manicure was kind of entertaining...the first eight times. But right about now, a simple bottle of Revlon is looking pretty good.

Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Top-to-toe leather looks. We get all sweaty just looking at outfits like this one, sported by J.Lo recently in Melbourne.

Mike Windle/WireImage

What's the big rush, people? Yes, looks like this Spring 2013 one worn by Kerry Washington at an LA Confidential party are definite winners. But you'll catch your death of cold!

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