Best Things in Pop Culture This Week! Ke$ha Again, Tim Tebow's Skin and Some Disney Princess

E! Loves Miley's new image, this season of 30 Rock and plenty more

By J. Diers Oct 12, 2012 4:40 PMTags
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We love a good comeback. So it's an honest-to-goodness pleasure to flip the tarot card on Miley Cyrus this week and actually find ourselves cheering for her recent Gwen Stefani-esque makeover.

Speaking of Disney-born starlets, Cinderella is also back with a fresh look, thanks to Blu-ray video technology and the eternal joy in watching sisters catfight over who gets the best outfit.

We're almost scared to say so for fear of jinxing it, but it seems like 30 Rock may recapturing its innate hilariousness after a frustrating previous season. Either way, it's the show's final run, so the stakes are high and we're still watching.

And then there's Ke$ha, who looks and sounds pretty much like she has for the last few years but is at least dropping new singles and diversifying her pop empire with a please-let-it-be-tell-all biography.

All this and a shirtless Tim Tebow find their way to our latest list of pop culture obsessions. Check our math and let us know how you feel, will ya?

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