Best Things in Pop Culture This Week! Mindy, Manimal, Models and More

A skit by Seth MacFarlane, a book by Michael Chabon, a show by Mindy Kaling and all kinds of great stuff we love this week

By J. Diers Sep 21, 2012 7:34 PMTags
Seth MacFarlane, Michael Chabon, Telegraph Avenue, Mindy KalingNBC; Harper

Is it just us, or is TV totally winning? Hopefully Oscar season drums up some better big-screen fare, cuz right now we're a lot more excited about the upcoming premiere of The Mindy Project and even Google commercials than a lot of what's at the multiplex.

We're also getting deep enough into the fall season to confidently pick out some small-screen favorites, from statuesque kook Victoria on Top Model to suddenly-cute-again Winfrey wannabe Katie Couric. Even cheap thrills like Seth MacFarlane goofing on Ryan Lochte seem extra satisfying right about now.

But, as always, Hollywood's got some irons in the fire. We can't decide what sounds more promising: Cameron Crowe taking Michael Chabon's latest to the big screen, or the colossal act of cult resurrection that is the rumored Manimal movie.

Channel-surf through all of our current pop-culture obsessions, and use the comments to kick in a few of your own while you're at it.

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