
Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Supernatural's New Bad Boy! Plus, Grey's, American Horror Story and More!

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By Team WWK Jul 10, 2012 1:00 PMTags
Jensen Ackles, Supernatural, Jessica Lange, American Horror Story, Eric Dane, Grey’s AnatomyABC; FX; CW

Breaking news: A CW show is looking to cast a hot guy. In other news, water is wet.

OK, so a handsome man joining a CW series isn't exactly shocking, but we're not going to complain about getting even more eye candy on Supernatural next season. That would just be unprofessional. And unconstitutional.  So who is this new hottie coming to hang with the Winchester brothers?

Plus, we've got scoop on Grey's Anatomy's new arrival and two American Horror Story newbies. If that's not enough spoilery goodness for you greedy little things, we've also got info on Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries and more!

Ella: I'll keep this short and sweet: Grey's Anatomy!
We'll keep this short and sweet, too: Viewers will meet a patient in the season-nine premiere who will have a major presence throughout the season. Mysterious, we know. What we can tell you is that she's funny, smart and girl-next-door pretty.

eginagirl11234: Vampire Diaries! Spill evvvveeerything. What's next for our girl Elena?
I'd tell you about the things Elena is going to remember but, dangit, would you know? I forget! All I know is that it will be most unfortunate to a particular relationship on the show. Hmmm…Anyone have any ginkgo biloba?

Bob Mahoney/MTV

Shannon: The wait for American Horror Story season two is killing me! Any scoop to help dull the pain?
How about some deets on two new characters? One is Frank, the head of security at a hospital, who has the vocal cords of Mark Wahlberg…he's a Bostonian, duh! The second? Mother Superior Claudia who is the head of the order…and Jessica Lange's boss! Hmmm…which actress would you like to see face off against Lange?

Christopher: Any Teen Wolf scoop you care to share?
Watch out, Stiles! Scott may be getting a new BFF by the end of the season. OK, not really, but our (hairy) hero will bond with another wolf by season's end. "Isaac and Scott will definitely butt heads more than once along the way to becoming reluctant allies," creator Jeff Davis teases. As for Isaac's fate beyond this season? Jeff says, "I would love to see Daniel Sharman return to reprise the role next season."

Charlotte: Grimm scoop, por favor!
Your wish-o is our command-o! (Can you tell we totally aced Spanish in high school?) The NBC hit is getting holy in season two. Literally. A handsome and wholesome minister named Lyle with a complicated past is coming to Portland. Want a hint about that complicated past? His church is the "Good Shepherd" Church.

ABC Family

Lauren in Lindenhurst, N.Y.: Pretty Little Liars scoop, pretty please?!
Fine, but only because you asked so nicely. It looks like the ABC Family hit will be taking a page out of the Once Upon a Time playbook when they introduce a young girl named Alice, who likes to dress like, you guessed it, Alice in Wonderland! Creepy? Probably.

Francesca: Missing the Braverman clan! Got any scoop on Parenthood?
Amber's getting a new man! Too bad he has a girlfriend. Hate it when that happens. Amber will fall for Nick, the lead guitarist of a band recording at Adam's studio (where Amber will work in season four). Nick may or may not use Amber's affection to his advantage. Yes, we already don't like this guy.

—Additional reporting by Tierney Bricker

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