You Sent It, You Watch It: Can Tama and Spaghetti Cat Save Us All?

Tama the Japanese cat and Spaghetti international duo for the cause of good?

By Peter Gilstrap Oct 07, 2008 7:38 PMTags

Soup amiga Lauren offers up this intriguing footage of Tama, the Japanese station master cat. Apparently, (like the Tom Waits song says) Tama is big in Japan. In fact, her cuteness has boosted the train-riding population, thus also boosting the local economy, which you can read about here.

“Perhaps you should do an economic analysis on the profitability of Spaghetti Cat versus this Japanese feline,” writes Lauren. “And then predict how, if the two merge together, they can avert the unraveling global economic crisis.” Obviously, that’s way too much work for us, so just watch and let the fuzzy warmth trickle into your brain pan.

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