Morning Piss: Some Women Are Going to Hell?

After misquote, Palin discovers further female ire

By Ted Casablanca Oct 07, 2008 12:15 PMTags
Sarah Palin, Cybil ShepherdZuma; Joseph Connoly/Getty Images

Ran into Cybill Shepherd in New York, just saw her at dinner. And as Sarah Palin had, seconds prior, misquoted Madeline Albright so gloriously about women who "don't support other women" going to hell (help, is actually the verb M.A. originally used, and she's made it clear since that she did not mean this statement in any political fashion), I asked Cybill, "as a woman," how she felt about Palin.

"Oh, I'm just crazy about her," she gushed.

"I'm not," I said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not either," Cybill deadpanned, who knew she was so damn talented? Had me going completely. Maybe Martha Behind Bars isn't her best work yet? "I just can't help looking at her, though," Shepherd continued about the Alaskan politician Roger Ebert has so deftly compared to a folksy Coen Brother character out Fargo, "like she's a car wreck on the 405. It's scary!" True.

But not quite as frightening as trying to guilt the female population of this country into voting for her simply because she possesses a vagina. Well, let's see here. I have a penis, as do both John McCain and Barack Obama, so who am I supposed to vote for, according to that demented way of thinking Sarah? One cojone for each candidate?

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