Top Model's Clark Spills on Her Shocking Diss and Same-Sex Kiss

Read the model's comments on her pre-show nose job and Sheena's fake boobs

By Kristin Dos Santos Oct 02, 2008 7:52 PMTags
Clark, America's Next Top ModelJamie Trueblood/The CW

"It was like watching a boyfriend break up with me! It was heartbreaking!"

This is how Clark Gilmore described her experience watching last night's episode of America's Next Top Model, in which Tyra & Co. gave her the big ol' boot in a surprising twist.

After scoring the No. 1 spot the week before, Clark admitted, "I didn't see it coming. I really didn't." Well, that makes two of us.

So what about those rumors of a nose job? Sheena's fake boobs? That kiss with Elina? And this cycle's big winner? Here's what Clark spilled...

A Little Touch-up: The morphing Model body part I referred to in Monday's chat? Clark's nose, which was still healing from a rhinoplasty she'd had done just before Thanksgiving last year. She told me, "I was 97 percent recovered from it, as far as the swelling goes," when the show began. She also told me that despite this year's crop of girls being quite frank with each other, the models outed Sheena's secret boob job right quick: "You know, she hid it at first, but it was so obvious. We were like, 'Girl, you're so lying. Those are not God-given! Those are doctor-given!' "

She Kissed a Girl (And She Didn't Mind It): Clark (who has kept the black hair, BTW) said the kiss she shared early on with Elina was totally least on her end. "I didn't know that she had a crush on me then! And it's just so funny to watch it now. It was just like kissing your girlfriends hey or goodbye or whatever. You know, you care about them, it's not like a passionate, romantic kiss by any means." Still, she and Elina remain close, despite being polar opposites: "I'm a really girlie girl, feminine, blond chick who likes pink, and Elina doesn't believe in gender roles and wears all black." Clark also says she and Lauren Brie are now "best friends" after the show.

Who Will Win? The Jays told me that this Cycle's winner is "obvious." So what does Clark say about that? "I have a pretty good idea who it is, but obviously can't say anything about that. I can tell you that the whole thing is a shock. The entire show, from the very first episode probably to the very last, is just not what you expect."

So who do you guys think it's going to be? Elina or someone else? Post your pick for the winner in the comments! And sound off on what you thought of Clark's surprising dismissal...

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